Monday, December 23, 2019

Mental Health Service Delivery Models - 1146 Words

Mental health illness is related to a group of illness, anxiety and stress are the most common health problems. Mental illness affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people (Department of Health, 2007). Mental health service delivery models in Australia has significantly changed from institutional care to the community care setting (Frost et al., 2017). This easy will discuss about he changes in services before and post institutional, how recovery model introduced in Australian mental health service and critically analyses the effect on the population with mental health and their experiences as consumers towards the mental health service. Mental health illness in Australia stared with over crowded European†¦show more content†¦Custodial care was contribute to increase the stigma, stress and other mental health problems(Thornicroft et al,. 2016). Mentally ill people was at risk and considered as criminals even they did not commit any crime and spend most of time in prisons (Justice Action, 2011).Negative attitude was used to describe mental illness as well to treat people with mental illness. Institutional mental health service was a threat to patient’s dignity. Violation of human rights, such as food, clothing result with the hospitalization of mentally ill people with other serious conditions such as heart, diabetes. Asylums and institutional mental health service criticized by advocacy and consumer participation for human right reform (Buckley, Brimson, Reyment, 2017). The concept of community emerge as a constantly rapid change of deinstitutational from 1950 to 1980. Community has the potential to support and recover and accept the mental health illness as other health illness. Community participation in mental health begins with advocating the rights of mental population (Williams, Smith, Lumbus, 2014). Institutions was closed and mentally ill patients realsed in to community, but homeless, eduction, employment, community inclusion and acceptance was big issue. It recognizes government based, and community based care is essential to reduce the stigma and its impact on the patients, their carers, families, and communities. The partnershipsShow MoreRelatedBenefits And Detriments Of Headspace1645 Words   |  7 Pagesinnovation in the coordination of services for young people with mental health concern is headspace. headspace is the National Youth Mental Health foundation and is a provider of early invention mental health services for young pe ople aged 15-25. Whilst headspace has shown success in engaging and delivering preventative mental health services to young people since 2006, there is much controversy around how effective headspace actually is at addressing mental health concerns for all young people. 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