Thursday, October 31, 2019

No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

No - Essay Example It would be hard for the company to be able to do the transaction without it being a donation. From the proposal, the company would be selling the Panini at three dollars per piece. Considering that the company spends four dollars on every Panini in the production, the company will be operating the transaction at a loss of one dollar every sale. His being the case, the company can only accept the proposal only where the transaction is a donation to the MBA students or if it were a marketing strategy and they would increase the prices later. b) Starbucks currently sells a Stainless Steel Clip Handle Tumbler - Gold, 16 fluid ounces in its stores for $22.95. Starbucks buys the Tumbler from a manufacturer in China for $ 9.00. A representative from a company in Vietnam is offering to sell them for 25% less than cost from the manufacturer in China. Discuss the issues that you would consider in deciding whether or not to accept this offer. In deciding whether or not to accept the offer from the manufacturer in Vietnam, I would consider various factors. These factors include: the quality of the products, the durability of the products, the ability to serve the purpose for which they are acquiring. Mainly, I would consider the quality, considering the low cost of the products; the quality of the materials would probably be compromised. Due to this, I would critically evaluate all the aspects of the product to ascertain that the quality of the products is at par. Besides this, I would consider the accessibility of the products from the supplier. Since Vietnam is a country that is not well developed, I would consider how the goods are to be moved from the country to Starbucks premises since the cost of acquisition would be higher in the long run due to transport costs. Basically, I would focus mainly on these areas. When preparing an incentive plan for the store managers, it should be budgeted to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alexander Calder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Alexander Calder - Essay Example Calder' firt exhibition of painting took place in 1926 at the Artit' Gallery, New York. Later that year, he went to Pari and attended the Acadmie de la Grande Chaumire. In Pari, he met tanley William Hayter, exhibited at the 1926 alon de Indpendant, and in 1927 began giving performance of hi miniature circu. The firt how of hi wire animal and caricature portrait wa held at the Weyhe Gallery, New York, in 1928. That ame year, he met Joan Mir, who became hi lifelong friend. ubequently, Calder divided hi time between France and the United tate. In 1929, the Galerie Billiet gave him hi firt olo how in Pari. He met Frederick Kieler, Fernand Lger, and Theo van Doeburg and viited Piet Mondrian' tudio in 1930. Calder began to experiment with abtract culpture at thi time and in 1931 and 1932 introduced moving part into hi work. Thee moving culpture were called "mobile"; the tationary contruction were to be named "tabile." He exhibited with the Abtraction-Cration group in Pari in 1933. In 1943 , the Mueum of Modern Art, New York, gave him a olo exhibition. (Haye, 99-101) During the 1950, Calder traveled widely and executed Tower (wall mobile) and Gong (ound mobile). He won the Grand Prize for culpture at the 1952 Venice Biennale. Late in the decade, the artit worked extenively with gouache; from thi period, he executed numerou major public commiion. In 1964-65, the olomon R. Guggenheim Mueum, New York, preented a Calder retropective. He began the Totem in 1966 and the Animobile in 1971; both are variation on the tanding mobile. A Calder exhibition wa held at the Whitney Mueum of American Art, New York, in 1976. Calder died November 11, 1976, in New York. Early Work & Non-artitic Career Born into a family of artit in Lawnton, Pennylvania, to culptor Alexander tirling Calder and portrait painter Nanette Lederer Calder, both Calder and hi older iter, Margaret Calder Haye, were encouraged to be creative from childhood. (Calder, 13) Calder' firt ignificant recognition a an artit came when he exhibited hi now- famou miniature circu with it animated wire performer at Pari' alon de Humorite in 1927. The idea for the toy figure can be traced back to ketche he made in 1925 while reporting on the circu for the Police Gazette. Made from wire, rubber, cork, button, bottle cap, wood, and other mall "found" object, Calder' circu include lion, acrobat, trapeze artit, elephant, a ringmater, and numerou other figure. Unlike many art work of the period, the unuual creation drew crowd from outide the artitic community a well a within, and the thirty-year-old artit found himelf uddenly widely known. (Prather, 22-32) Facination with the Circu Calder tudied at the Art tudent' League from 1923 to 1926 and worked a a freelance illutrator and toy deigner. Hi facination with the circu began in 1925 when he pent two week ketching at Ringling Brother and Barnum and Bailey Circu on aignment for the National Police Gazette. In 1926 he began creating the firt few figure of wire and wood which were later to grow into the Cirque Calder (Eagle, 7) Calder' firt wire culpture, Joephine Baker (1926), a witty linear repreentation of the famou American-born chanteue, wa exhibited to the Pari art community during the ame period that hi circu wa drawing attention. He decided to return to New York City late in 1927, where he gave a one-man how that included Joephine Baker, a well a everal of hi other wire portrait. Thoe portrait would grow

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Plasma Membrane: Structure and Function

Plasma Membrane: Structure and Function BENJAMIN  NHANDARA Explain the structure and function of the cell and the plasma membrane to include the division of labour and explanation of transport across the plasma membrane. All living things are made up of small blocks known as cells. These cells play a big role in the existence of all living things even though we cannot see the cells with our naked eyes. After we have a good look at the functions of a cell and all the organelles found in them we will have an understanding on the big role played by these minute organelles. Small blocks known as cells make up all living things. The cells that we will be looking at today are the eukaryotic cells. In the eukaryotic cells are tiny cellular structures known as organelles that perform unique specific functions in order to keep the cell alive. To help us better understand and explain what really happens in a cell we can look at a country like the UK. In the UK they are different government departments, organisations and sectors that work together for the good of the country. UK in this case may be likened to a cell and the organisations, departments, sectors will represent the organelles. In order to separate the inside of a cell from its environment the cell is surrounded by a membrane that acts as a protector for the organelles. All membranes are permeable to regulate the transport of materials in and out of the cell through small pore (Sue Hocking,2008). The largest organelle in the cell is called the nucleus and it is surrounded by a nuclear envelope which is a double layered structure made of two adjacent membranes. The envelope has pores which enable communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus is the control centre of a cell where all instructions are passed on to other organelles. Just like the parliament of the UK we could agree that it also has a similar duty to pass all legislation of the land and assess all laws to ensure a good and safe life for its citizen. The nucleus contains coded genetic information in the form of DNA molecules which are involved in the synthesis of proteins (Ann Fullick et al.,2015). The DNA detects what the cell is going to do and how it will do it. Inside the nucleus is a dense ,spherical structure known as the nucleolus which is responsible for the production of ribosomes. The nucleolus is like a factory. Ribosomes according to Gareth Williams (2000),are tiny organelles that are found in large numbers in a cell. They have a diameter of about 20nm. They attach themselves to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) after leaving the nucleus and this is known as the rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER). There is another type of endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes known as smooth endoplasmic reticulum, the other ribosomes float freely in the jelly like fluid known as cytoplasm. Enzymes are synthesised in the cytoplasm by the ribosomes. While the main function of the endoplasmic reticulum is producing and packaging proteins. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum produces lipids and steroids. The synthesis of a protein shows the division of labour in a cell.   Ã‚   We also have some organelles that were first observed by the Italian scientist Camillo Golgi. These organelles are known as golgi, they appear as stacks of flattened sacs. Assembling glycoproteins such as mucin by combining protein and carbohydrates. The golgi also produces digestive enzymes and the formation of lysosomes. Lysosomes are spherical sacs surrounded by a single membrane and they contain some powerful digestive enzymes that help in breaking down materials(Micheal Kent 2000). Organelles in a Eukaryotic cell Fig 1 ( As evident in fig 1,we also have the mitochondria organelles which are important in the synthesis of energy in the form of ATP by a process called Respiration. This energy is made available to the cell in molecular structure. Active cells will normally have a lot of mitochondria available. C J Clegg(2000) says the mitochondria are relatively large organelles and has a double membrane, the inner forms many folds called cristae. Entry and exit of all materials is controlled by the outer membrane , as the movement of people is also controlled by the boarders that are in place. Cell membrane are present in all cells and they facilitate the movement of substances into and out of the cell. It also goes on to provide protection for the cell. According to Ann Fullick(2000) all cell membranes are made up of two main molecules which are the lipids and proteins. These molecules react differently as the head is hyrophilic(water loving) while the tail is hydrophobic (water-hating). Cell membranes are selectively permeable meaning they let in some molecules and keep others out Below is a diagram of a phosopholipid bilayer in Fig 2 AN IMAGE OF A PHOSOPHOLIPID BILAYER Fig 2(The Science of Biology,2007) C J Clegg (2000) says materials that go through the membrane will use the basic types of cellular transport which are available which are passive transportation(no energy needed) and active transport(energy needed). In passive transport we have diffusion(movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration),facilitated diffusion is also movement of particles from high to low area of concentration but this type of diffusion uses a transport protein. Osmosis also falls under the passive transport(special type of diffusion involving water molecules). In this type of transport the cell does not need energy. The second type of transport is called active transport(cell needs energy ). In active transport energy is needed as the molecules will be moving from an area of low concentration to an area high concentration. Endocytosis is the movement of large particles or fluids through the membrane into the cytoplasm of a cell(Bill Indge,2000). Exocytosis is the movement of particles from inside the cell. Finally we have protein pumps that are integral membrane protein that are capable of transporting protons across membranes. The cell plays an important role in all living things despite the fact that it is so small and also we have seen that the cell has many organelles which are present to carry out different and unique functions in order to keep the cell alive. Without cells there is no life. SECTION 2 1a) The cell is a eukaryote because the cell has a nucleus that contains DNA. b) Magnification = Image size Image size = 81mm x 1000 = 81 000 µm Actual size Magnification = 4 500 Image = 18mm x 1000 = 18 000 µm Actual = 4 µm Actual Image = 81 000 M = 18 000 4 500 4 = 4 500 = 18  µm The actual width of the cell is = 18 µm c) Magnification = Image size Actual size Image size = 81mm x 1000 = 81 000 µm Actual size = 4 µm 2. Magnification = Image size Image size = 81mm x 1000 = 81 000 µm Actual size Actual size = 20 µm Magnification = 81 000 20 = 4 500 Actual size for structure c = Image size Magnification Image size = 15mm x 1000 = 15 000 µm Actual size = 15 000 Magnification 4 050 = 3,7 µm REFERENCES Ann Fullick, (2000) Heinemann Advanced Science, Biology. 2nd ed, Oxon:Heinemann Educational. Ann Fullick, Paul Bircher, and Jo Locke. (2015) A Level Biology For OCR, London: Oxford University Press C J Clegg and D G Mackean, (2000) Advanced Biology Principles and Applictions 2nd ed, London : John Murray C J Clegg, (2000) Introduction To Advanced Biology. London: John Murray Gareth Williams, (2000) Advanced Biology For You, London: Stanley Thornes Sue Hocking, Pete Kennedy, Frank Sochacki.(2008) OCR Biology, Essex: OCR Heinemann

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Evil Side of The Internet Essay -- Technology Internet Essays

The Evil Side of The Internet In my present employment at the moment, the usage of the Internet is not that important. The only times that I use the Internet is when I have to do a search for a research paper for school or in need of directions to a new location. I have always found the Internet to be a positive tool that helps with the spread of information in order to educate a large population. It is cheap and easily accessable by All. The internet was and is a new invention compared to the wheel and fire that has changed the way we view the world and has brought convenience to our finger tips. Information from across the world can be inter-changed within seconds that can help in the field of politics,medicine and personal relationships. However, there is a darker side to the internet. This side is one that I would like to focus on in my paper. This negative side of the internet is one that is being abused by regular folks everytime they copy articles and pictures and never give credit to the publisher or thei r actual authors. The dirty evil side of the internet has become a magnet for pedophiles and hate crime activists. The problem is that due to freedom of speech there is not much control that I know about in regards to items being posted on the internet. This device is so easily usable that even kids in middle and high school are posting web sites and chat lines in order to say what ever they like and send information to all corners of the world in a second, practically for free. There are some issues that have always concerned me in regards to the legal censorships over the internet that I would like to explore in my paper. The reason for my curiosity began a few weeks ago when my 8 year old cousin was playing on... ...t you can install which will block out certain sites and keywords. Those recommended by Newsweek Magazine were: Cyber Patrol, Net Nanny and Cybersitter. It is important to understand that Internet crimes should be dealt with just like real-world crimes. If you believe that your child or other children are being exploited or know of someone who is using child pornography in any way, notify the Police, the FBI or the local Customs Service Office. Many times there might even be an award awaiting you. Works Cited Nordland,Rod.,Bartholet,Jeffrey. "The Darkest Corner of the Internet." Newsweek. March 19,2001. 44-51 The Evil Side of The Internet Essay -- Technology Internet Essays The Evil Side of The Internet In my present employment at the moment, the usage of the Internet is not that important. The only times that I use the Internet is when I have to do a search for a research paper for school or in need of directions to a new location. I have always found the Internet to be a positive tool that helps with the spread of information in order to educate a large population. It is cheap and easily accessable by All. The internet was and is a new invention compared to the wheel and fire that has changed the way we view the world and has brought convenience to our finger tips. Information from across the world can be inter-changed within seconds that can help in the field of politics,medicine and personal relationships. However, there is a darker side to the internet. This side is one that I would like to focus on in my paper. This negative side of the internet is one that is being abused by regular folks everytime they copy articles and pictures and never give credit to the publisher or thei r actual authors. The dirty evil side of the internet has become a magnet for pedophiles and hate crime activists. The problem is that due to freedom of speech there is not much control that I know about in regards to items being posted on the internet. This device is so easily usable that even kids in middle and high school are posting web sites and chat lines in order to say what ever they like and send information to all corners of the world in a second, practically for free. There are some issues that have always concerned me in regards to the legal censorships over the internet that I would like to explore in my paper. The reason for my curiosity began a few weeks ago when my 8 year old cousin was playing on... ...t you can install which will block out certain sites and keywords. Those recommended by Newsweek Magazine were: Cyber Patrol, Net Nanny and Cybersitter. It is important to understand that Internet crimes should be dealt with just like real-world crimes. If you believe that your child or other children are being exploited or know of someone who is using child pornography in any way, notify the Police, the FBI or the local Customs Service Office. Many times there might even be an award awaiting you. Works Cited Nordland,Rod.,Bartholet,Jeffrey. "The Darkest Corner of the Internet." Newsweek. March 19,2001. 44-51

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Economic Viability Of Photovoltaic Cell Productions Environmental Sciences Essay

The UK Government and the bulk of developed states ‘ representatives have started paying a batch of attending towards low C breathing engineerings. This proposal is for the production of photovoltaic cells in an economic manner, to do this most abundant and clean fuel the cheapest and best option for people to utilize. Why should we breathe less Carbon in the ambiance, and shall we exchange to the energy resources which are less carbon emitting? Are we cognizant of our environment in which we live? Do we cognize the danger for humanity in the approaching centuries? Can we recognize that we are responsible for the depletion of clean air and other resources from our environment? The reply is NO. People in this money devising universe are non cognizant of their environment and besides they are non interested in taking attention of or their well-being. Increase in the figure of industries across the universe increases the sum of green house gases [ GHG ] emanation ( Mills, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to the 2010 figures obtained from the website State Master 2010, the Carbon emanation is at a unsafe degree in most of the industrialised states. As a consequence of increasing GHG in atmosphere our Earth is confronting a serious climatic alteration ne'er witnessed before. Already a immense hole has been identified in the ozone bed because of the increasing degree of toxin and GHG emanations. Global heating is now turning as a serious issue in all states and full universe is now seeking to take down the degree of toxic substances in atmosphere and to cut down planetary heating. Because of planetary heating glaciers and ice caps started runing in Polar Regions. If planetary heating continues in the same manner so our climatic status will alter drastically which will ensue in the depletion of human sort from Earth ( Weiss, et. Al, 2008 ) . Solar power panels are nil but combination of photovoltaic cells and rectifying tubes. When light falls on the surface of photovoltaic cells, it produces an induced voltage. When 1000s of photovoltaic cells are arranged in a panel and when all of them are connected in series, the electromotive force produced will acquire multiplied, therefore bring forthing a coveted electromotive force that can be used for place applications.Topographic points where you can implement solar power panels:Every street in every state has street visible radiations. All the street visible radiations can be made to work under solar power panels which save the sum of electricity. Solar power panels can be installed in every place to obtain power for running simple electrical contraption in places. The solar powered vehicles can assist finally cut downing the sum of C emanation ( Kaelin et. al. , 2004 ) . If we use solar power in the fabrication sectors so there is a immense possibility of cut downing the em anation of C dioxide in the ambiance.The major cause behind planetary heating:Research workers have found out that most of the climatic job which we face today is because of the emanation of carbon-dioxide. Whatever procedure we do, we emit carbon-dioxide. Industries are seeking to develop new engineerings in order to take down the sum of carbon-dioxide emitted into atmosphere. Apart from the increasing figure of industries there is a drastic lessening in the figure of trees across the universe. This is another major ground for high emanation of C dioxide in ambiance. Though there are many toxic substances emitted in atmosphere, most of the jobs are created merely due to carbon dioxide. So research workers and common people are now seeking to cut down the per centum of C emanation in ambiance.How to cut down C emanation?As we are now forced to cut down the C emanation sum, research workers and engineer are in a Hunt to happen out alternate attack. New methodological analysiss are de veloped and provided to people. When people use those methods finally emanation of C is traveling to be reduced. There are some power coevals methods from which you can achieve zero C emanation. Zero C power coevals methods will utilize natural resources for bring forthing power like hydro power, solar power, air current power, geothermic power and besides atomic power. ( Mckinnon et. al. , 2010 ) . If we use natural gas as our energy beginning we can achieve minimal sum of C emanation. Even if we use natural gas method the sum of C emitted can be captured and stored utilizing advanced methodological analysiss which prevents C from come ining into our ambiance. Everything is in the custodies of current and approaching coevalss as merely they can cut down the sum of C emitted into atmosphere. For illustration, they should seek to minimise the use of cars for unneeded state of affairss, cut down the use of air conditioners and iceboxs, and avoid combustion of fossil fuels and plastics and many more ( Mills, 2003 ) . To maintain our environment safe, it is of import that people around the Earth start utilizing clean fuel. No other fuel can be every bit clean as solar energy resource. We can work out energy related issues by utilizing this beginning. There are few companies who have succeeded in bring forthing photovoltaic cells for mundane usage. Still it is non the most utilised signifier of energy. The intent of this research proposal is to happen ways of doing solar energy use more common.Cardinal issues:Solar energy is a great energy resource. Still there are barriers to its common use. Although the engineering has proven to be environment friendly and more dependable for the future coevalss, it is still non used by multitudes. Marketability of a merchandise depends on several different factors such as affordability, nest eggs, practicality, and handiness in general. At present usage of solar energy is low-cost and practical. Still, people are non utilizing it to the extent they should. They still non gestate it as an economically feasible energy resource for them. In the under developed parts of the universe, there are really few companies which are bring forthing photoelectric cells that can be used by multitudes. The state of affairs, nevertheless, is different in the developed universe. Sing the figures given by Nation Master, if a clean fuel ( photovoltaic cells ) replaces other C breathing signifiers of energy in the developed states, the concerns of conservationists will be taken attention of. The issue here is that, although the photovoltaic cells are proven to be environment friendly, they are now available to multitudes and they are economically feasible excessively, it is still non the preferable fuel for multitudes. How should we travel about replacing all other C breathing beginnings of energy in every office and every place across the state with solar energy? This could be a immense effort, but one that truly should be deserving while, since if these syste ms worked good we could be salvaging the Earth and human sort a batch of heartache sing non renewable energy every bit good as pollution and of class money salvaging for concerns. The inquiry of marketing the merchandise to multitudes is what we need to reply.Research AimsThe aims of my research, in a nutshell, are as follows: To analyze the barriers to advancing solar power coevals and use as a fuel for multitudes. To analyze the implicit in grounds of ‘Why the solar engineering has non been feasible and common so far ‘ . To research if there has been any betterments in the bing engineering to do it be effectual solution to provide to the whole energy demands of a house or little concern. If non, what are the restraints and demand for betterments. Finding the economically feasible solution for little concerns. How to do it practically feasible for little concern and families, and how it can be taken to multitudes. To analyze the impacts of promotional activities towards doing the engineering common. I will roll up primary and secondary informations to analyze the impacts.Literature ReviewGlobal heating is the hot subject across the Earth. Scientists and research workers are seeking to happen some ways to cut down the sum of C dioxide being emitted into our ambiance. Already Earth has witnessed the consequences of C emanations in the signifier of depletion of ozone bed and thaw of glaciers and ice caps in the Polar Regions. If this status prevails and planetary heating tends to increase for the approaching old ages, there is a great menace to the following coevals of human sort ( Kaelin et. al. , 2004 ) . From the study of ESTIF ( 2007 ) , it is clear that if this status prevails for following century so evidently our full human sort will be at the hazard of extinction. Is at that place any manner to cut down the green house consequence? Is at that place any manner to cut down or even to avoid the emanation of C into our ambiance? Yes. There are many other natural energy resources utilizing which you can even forestall the emanation of C into our ambiance. Natural energy resources are available in the signifier of H2O, air, air current, solar and atomic. Among the signifiers of energy resources mentioned above, it is solar energy which we get more abundant than other beginnings of energy. Weiss ( 2008 ) references that it is merely through heat energy we are making most of our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities. Using solar powered generators you can easy bring forth the necessary sum of electricity that can run some electrical contraptions in your place. Solar power panels can be easy installed in your places from which you can easy bring forth and hive away power that can be used for any electrical intent. Solar power panels are now popular across the universe and most authoritiess are now seeking to pin down the maximal sum of solar power they obtain. We know that about half the solar power is radiated from Earth ‘s surface, which when trapped can be efficaciously used for power coevals intents. If solar power coevals techniques are implemented successfully, we can easy cut down the emanation of C to a greater extent. Mckinnon et. Al. ( 2010 ) have discussed the market size merely in UK for solar energy utilizing devices. The information from 2009 Tells us that companies and public corporations make up 58.2 % of the UK endeavors, 24.4 % are exclusive owners and in conclusion non-profits make up 3.9 % and partnerships 13.5 % . This information is rather important as we know that many companies are proprietaries and merely little concerns. The proficient sector of the economic system ( including scientific and professional ) makes up 15 per centum of endeavors in the UK and it is a sector that would certainly utilize new engineering such as that of a solar electric generator. Another sector that is really note worthy is the buildings sector which makes up 13.4 per centum of endeavors, as concerns in this sector would most surely use new engineering, as they are in the concern of edifice, so why non construct with the latest engineering. When looking at the sizes of companies it is really note worthy that 88.7 % of UK concerns have less than 10 employed, which normally means it is a little company, and 98 % have less than 50 and merely 0.4 % has an employment of over 250. This clearly shows how many little concerns there are in the UK and if 88.7-98 % of concerns in the UK switched to new non-carbon emitting engineering for electricity, there would no uncertainty be a immense positive consequence on the environment. It is true that even though really big companies make up merely a little figure of the concerns in the UK they still produced hundred of times more emanations than the little companies combined, as it is mentioned earlier, the big companies would be certain to put in such engineering as it would be really of import for them public dealingss wise. If a big company choose NOT to travel ‘green ‘ while other big companies do, consumers would decidedly head to the ‘green ‘ competition. So with the big concerns reasonably good forced to subject to the new engineering, is it worth doing it come-at-able and doing the investing for the 98 % smaller companies? Well yes. strength is in Numberss, right! ( Izquierdo et. al. , 2010 ) . With the sheer figure of little concerns in the UK, there would be an undoubted impact if they all went with the new engineering, as through their Numberss little companies have a big impact.MethodologyThe basic methodological analysis I will follow during this research will be to roll up information through dependable secondary beginnings. I will analyze the impacts of marketing attempts of two solar cells making/distributing companies from UK over the buying form of their mark market. The organisations I have selected are: ECOSOL UK Solar Century UK Initially, I will establish my research on secondary informations. If, nevertheless, the published beginnings turn out to be less so required, I will roll up primary informations through questionnaire methods. For my research, I will analyze secondary informations about the two above mentioned houses. After informations aggregation, it will be classified, and analysis will be done. The analysis might necessitate the usage of some statistical tools which will be used as per demand. Interpretations will be made on the footing of this analysis. The research therefore will be done non merely qualitatively but it will besides be quantitative.Ethical ConsiderationsWhile roll uping the information, it will be ensured that no confidential/classified information offered by the companies is misused. The information will be protected. Name callings of the participants in my primary informations aggregation interviews/survey will non be displaced in any state of affairs. The company informations and any personal information collected during this research will be safe guarded carefully to guarantee no information larceny or abuse of information.Undertaking TeamThis research will be carried out under the supervising of my supervisor. I will roll up the information for analysis, and will make a thorough research on the bing state of affairs and will show my findings in written signifier.Undertaking TasksTo transport on this research, I will analyze about the bing market state of affairs and about the already explored possibilities of utilizing solar energy as the chief energy resource in our mundane life. Use of solar energy as the most of import energy resource by multitudes has many advantages. The nest eggs would be great. Huge cost decrease in the usage of electrical energy, and this energy beginning would be much less taxing on the Earth thanks to no more C emanations, it ‘s a renewable beginning that we are non traveling to run out of and the Earth would be health ier and safer for future coevalss. There is no uncertainty that the benefits are immense, for the Earth, for people and for concern. Large concerns would be all over it right from the start, nevertheless, there are far greater figure of little concerns than big concerns, how can these little concerns be convinced that the solar energy resource is good, and one time they are positive how can it be made practical for them to utilize photovoltaic energy?Progress So FarThe clip taken up boulder clay now has been utilized in preliminary degree research. The undertakings which will necessitate to be done to successfully finish this research are: First undertaking to be done is to be after the whole procedure. It will take a hebdomad to complete the program and to get down working on it. This undertaking will be done by the terminal of December 2010, before the winter interruption. This undertaking includes readying of questionnaires and other research tools every bit good. After the undertakings are planned and it comes to the executing, the following measure would be research. This is the toughest portion, and I will necessitate a month for it. The month of January, 2010 and some portion of February will be dedicated to this undertaking. This stage includes informations aggregation through primary and secondary resources. This is the toughest stage as the two above mentioned companies will be contacted and informations will be collected about them. The last hebdomad of February, 2011 will be spent in sorting and analysing the information. The last 3 hebdomads of February, and some portion of March 2011 will be spent in composing the existent thesis article. March 2011 will be spent in redacting the thesis as per my supervisor ‘s instructions and the concluding undertakings like printing and binding for concluding entries will besides be done during this clip frame. Even though we are allowed until the terminal of April, 2011, I want to let myself some slack clip in instance I needed to make redacting.Resources requiredTo transport out this research, I will necessitate entree to library, cyberspace and on-line libraries for literature reappraisal, research and secondary informations aggregation. To reach the companies, a missive of recognition will be required from the university. I will besides necessitate a tape recording equipment for the unfastened ended inquiries of my questionnaire for primary informations aggregation. Stationery will be required for completion of the undertaking.Undertaking CostThe entire cost of this undertaking that I will hold to bear will be my ain traveling disbursals to see the company offices, and the cost of printing, and adhering the thesis.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Facebook Case Analysis Essay

1. Why and how do people use Facebook? Facebook is now one of the biggest platform to help people connect with friends and family. People share their information with each other on Facebook. People use Facebook in three broad ways. Firstly uploading and sharing photos, videos or statuses this acts as a means to connect with friends and family, at one click information can be shared with a number of people. Secondly, Facebook offer companies and businesses to create free profile pages, where they can share information about their products and offers. This helps companies engaging with their customers, learn about them, listen to their feedback and promote their new products and services. Finally, the Facebook platform, which attracts third-party developers to build applications and games catering to Facebook users. This platform has helped Facebook in attracting lots of users. All these functionality has helped Facebook in increasing their user base and developing an internet eco system. Different functionality offer uniqu e advantages to different user group attracting them towards Facebook. 2. Evaluate the success of Facebook Fan pages. Facebook Fan pages are so successful because they are integrated right into user’s news feeds. If a company has any update or promotes on their page then fans of that page will automatically see it and know about it. In order to make fan page successful admin must update page regularly. Admin can also use photos, videos or other advertising techniques to increase fan’s engagement with the page. These technique catch users’ attention and encourage users’ input if they like the videos or photos, these updates help users remember sales, deals and new products that are being advertise. Another advantage with Facebook fan page which makes it hugely successful is that when you promote a Fan page, it shows up on the friend’s feeds making page accessible to friends of fans making it more likely for your friend to like or promote the page.